Day 1-2
First day at work yesterday. I started at 10 and not long after we went for lunch. Another traditional Indonesian restaurant. The food is quite spicy here so be careful what you eat so it's not too spicy.
Afterwards we went for a meeting for a upcoming event in the weekend. The traffic is really crazy here so it takes quite a while to get to and from places. I think I got home at 9 or 10 last night.
Today the lunch was Hawaiian and not spicy at all! Very nice!
After lunch we went for another meeting at the mall where the event is gonna take place. Took over an hour to get to the other side of Jakarta.. After the meeting we stayed at the mall to look around because we wanted to wait for the traffic to settle a little. It is most traffic between 5 and 8, afterwork hours!
This is were we are gonna have some Ferraris for show this weekend, along with other companies cars.