Part 4: Trieste

After my stay in Stockholm for almost a week I continued my journey to Italy. I arrived in Venice and took the train to a coastal city calle Trieste. I came here to visit my friend I who was working here during the summer.
While she was working I went for a little sightseeing around town. I saw something that was probably an old amphitheatre, visited a cathedral and saw the beautiful view over Trieste from there. I tried some Italian gnocchi with bolognese, which was so much different than the gnocchi in Finland. In the evening we had some apperitivos, which means almost pre-food drinks. And of course we had a super delicious pizza.

Part 3: Stockholm

Except for the Festival I visited in Sweden I also went for a little "sightseeing", shopping and met a friend from Gothenburg during my stay. Stockholm was really beatiful during my stay and it was very warm outside to be in the beginning of June. During my stay in Stockholm I was living in my aints apartment in Fruängen, about 20min away from the centre by the underground.