Part 1: My Crazy Summer
It's absolutely crazy how much I have done this summer and yet it feels like I have done nothing! I have been traveling, chilling, working, meeting friends and doing other fun stuff! This summer has gone by way too fast and next week I am already leaving for Sweden... It's been an amazing summer and hopefully it's gonna be an even more amazing school year to come in Jönköping, Sweden!
As I have had no time to share with you my adventures during this summer, I am gonna post them here is quite many parts! :D Hopefully you will have the patient to look at all the pics and read all my stories!

Christmas Gift
I have been working at the store yesterday and today. And yesterday I got a gift from an old man. Can't say anything else than thank you to people who appreciate my work! Me and my collegues got each a box of chocolate from this man!

We have also got a gift from our work place and this year it was a nice gift from Marimekko that appeared before Christmas! We got each two guest towels and one bath towel! And it has the same pattern as my tea pot I have from there, so I got a litte extra excited!

Maybe you noticed that I like dots, as I also have a lot of them in my bed right now!
Now we are on our way on the second Lapland trip this season. Last week was our first and we had some amazing people with us on the trip. Everyone on the trips are exchange students studying somewhere in Finland. Me and the busdriver is the only Finnish people on the trips. We are having one next week also, but I'm not joining that one. If you are interested in going to Lapland in January you can check out Student Trips on Facebook!

In Vaasa there is a place called Ritz, that organizes cultural events, movies and other fun stuff. Me and my sister is active members there, which means that we work voluntarily and we get to go see all the event for free. This place is very cozy and has a large stage for different events and very good movies in the Kino. Ones a month they also arrange open stage so people can come perform live if they want. I have also performed a couple of times on this event. The place is awesome and there are great people here working and volunteering as we do. If you are in Vaasa you should definitely visit an event or just chill and have a beer or two there! If you live in Vaasa you can also become an active member like us or a supporting member that can also get discounts or free entrance to the events!

Open Stage

No seats left when the Danish farmer were visiting!
We have been filming different spots from work, to our Independance Day Event at Hype next month. Last week we were at the National Monument. This week we have been at Kota Tua, the old town, to a miniature park of Indonesia and a spot were some rebels killed someone I think.

By now I have only two more weeks of work and then one week of holiday before going back to Finland! I miss home but it's also nice being here in the warmth, wearing skirts and dresses all the time without being cold!
When I don't have anything else to do at work I try to write on my thesis... But the thesis is not that fun to write all the time so then I try to figure out photoshop!
With a little help I figured out how to make me a new header on this place! It's really fun to play with photoshop and you always learn something! :D This time the header represents the four seasons on Finland! (though the first pic is from Summer in Budapest)

Hype Festival
The last two weekends we have had the Hype Festival in North Jakarta. Here are some pics!! (:

Hype Festival
This weekend we are arranging with some other companies a big festival/bazaar in Nort Jakarta in a place called PIK. At the bazaar there are going to be a lot of food vendors and also fashion and lkifestyle vendors. It is going to be so much fun!
Last Saturday we had a meeting at the place, preparing for this weekend. More pics after the weekend! (:

These are some of the people from the office, where I work

After the meeting we went for some fun at the mall with one of the girl's sisters kids. It was quite hard skating on plastic, much easier on real ice :D But the kids had fun and so did we!
This weekend I attended my first events here! Early on Saturday morning we started driving towards Bandung! The event was organized by the Porshe club in Indonesia, so 5 porshes drove in 180km/h from Jakarta, thought I was gonna die.. but the traffic started so then we had to slow down thank god! A bit outside Bandung we also met up with other cars!

When we arrived at Bandung we had breakfast and after that we went to the Porshe Club, the owner of the club owned 300 cars!!! Not only Porshe but a lot of other nice cars too! After this we went back to Jakarta.

On Sunday we went for an event in a Mall were some cars were showcased. Two of our Ferraris and one Lamborghini was there! And a lot of other nice cars!

And even I got to be on photo with some cars! A guy even asked me if I wanted to come and be a model for him! haha

Sorry for been bad in updating but lately has been a bit crazy busy with all kinds of stuff!
I will leave for Indonesia 30th of april! Gonna be there on an internship for 3 months!
Therefore I am now also emptying my apartment and putting all my stuff at my parents.
Then I have work and school and other stuff I need to take care of...
I'm so excited for Indonesia! Can't wait to go!! :D I will probably photobomb every post I write there!

March Sun
Sunday sun is nice! You could be outside all day!
I went walking with K who came up from Helsinki. We took our usual route along the sea.
Now it is a new week and the sun is still shining! It is said to sit in the office at a window all day and just look at the lovely weather outside.. And when now I need to start working on my thesis so I can finish it as soon as possible! (:

I started my internship on monday and the first week has already gone by!
I was lucky enough to also get to do my thesis for the company so hopefully i will be graduating before December then (:
Today I will be volunteering at Ritz in Vaasa so come watch the show they have there tonight!
Have a lovely weekend!