Part 1: My Crazy Summer
It's absolutely crazy how much I have done this summer and yet it feels like I have done nothing! I have been traveling, chilling, working, meeting friends and doing other fun stuff! This summer has gone by way too fast and next week I am already leaving for Sweden... It's been an amazing summer and hopefully it's gonna be an even more amazing school year to come in Jönköping, Sweden!
As I have had no time to share with you my adventures during this summer, I am gonna post them here is quite many parts! :D Hopefully you will have the patient to look at all the pics and read all my stories!
Madame Tussauds
Whilst in London we also visited Madame Tussauds, as one must! And at the time we were there they had a new exhibition with Star Wars, so of course we had to go fight the dark power! I even got to meet the master who taught me a few tricks..
Of course my lovely Mr Bond was also there, all six of them! We also said HI to the Royal family, Stephen Hawkings and many more! And my two favorite guys, Captain America & Ironman, were there so I could hug them!
Two movies I recently watched at the cinema was a Swedish movie called En Man Som Heter Ove and the new Tarantino movie The Hateful Eight. Both of them very good in their own ways! En Man Som Heter Ove was a very nice story about a man and his life, you both laughed and cried to this movie. The Hateful Eight was a bit of a darker and more sarcastic humour movie, and had a lot of shooting and blood in it. Really recommend both of them!
You can watch The Hateful Eight tomorrow at Kino Ritz in Vaasa for 9€ and only 7€ if you are a student!
Harry Potter sights in London
I'm a small Harry Potter fan so of course when me and my friend were in London we had to go visit some places where the movies were shot! We went to King's Cross to take the train at Platform 9 3/4, we went to the Diagon Alley (both at day and night) and of course we walked the Millenium bridge over the Thames! At King's Cross we also visited the Harry Potter shop to shop for our wands ;) (though they were so expensive that we didn't buy any) The Diagon Alley was shot at the Leadenhall Market, which you can find quite close to the Tower Bridge.
In Vaasa there is a place called Ritz, that organizes cultural events, movies and other fun stuff. Me and my sister is active members there, which means that we work voluntarily and we get to go see all the event for free. This place is very cozy and has a large stage for different events and very good movies in the Kino. Ones a month they also arrange open stage so people can come perform live if they want. I have also performed a couple of times on this event. The place is awesome and there are great people here working and volunteering as we do. If you are in Vaasa you should definitely visit an event or just chill and have a beer or two there! If you live in Vaasa you can also become an active member like us or a supporting member that can also get discounts or free entrance to the events!
Open Stage
No seats left when the Danish farmer were visiting!
Valentine's Day
For Valentine's Day I bobught myself some flowers, I thought I deserved it and who else would buy them?!
The program for the evening was Fifty Shades of Grey with the girls at the cinema and afterwards we went for a drink... or four to a local pub.
Into The Storm
Igår var jag och lilla syster på Into The Storm på bio. Och måste bara säga att det var en av de bästa filmerna jag har sett på länge! Vi både skrattade och grät medan vi ibland höll fast oss i stolarna och hoppades att vi inte skulle flyga med i alla tornadon! Det är så en film ska vara! Rekomenderar verkligen att ni går och tittar på den! :D
Hade lite roligt igår kväll med min dator och lekte lite tonåring och tog bilder med olika effekter på! Vad ska man annars hitta på när man väntar på att en kompis ska ringa en på skype?!
Tyckte om denna bild där jag börjar likna Mystique, den blåa kvinnan från X-Men! hah! Ganska dålig selfie men den bjuder jag på! :D
Jag gillar också att det är Jennifer Lawrence som spelar rollen! Hon har i alla fall kurvor och inte så super smal som massa andra stora skådisar! Skvallertidningar skriver ju om hur vissa lever på fågelmat och vatten, det är bara usch fyy bläää! (:
Livet är för kort och godis är för gott! :D
Här kommer en video från förra sommaren! Det är en motorcykel som kör runt i en stor boll. Ganska Coolt! De var också två på samma gång i den och sen hade de en från publiken att stå i mitten av den när de körde runt... Scary stuff!
Måste bara säga att efter att ha tittat på Charmed, "Förhäxad" på svenska, i ett halvår nu så var det så SORGLIGT att titta det allra sista avsnittet i serien ikväll. Efter 8 säsonger och 173 avsnitt slutade det väldigt lyckligt!
Här är två bilder på de gamla och de nya häxorna! (bara en som har bytts ut)
Vad ska man nu titta på?!?
Vad ska man nu titta på?!?