
I got to be a part of Buzzador's campaign of Yoogaia.com and I am allowed to try it for free for 1 month. If you don't know Buzzador from before please go check it out! You get to be apart of free campaigns and in return you grade the products or services that you try. 
I tried Yoogaia on Monday and it's amazing! What could be better than get yoga and pilates classes in your own livingroom?! At least then you don't have to feel awkward for breathing loudly or sweating like a pig or other embarrassing moments that might occur at the gym :D 
So for people who want to have it comfortable with a service delivered at home it's perfect! I will definitely consider paying for it after the month is up! 
Oh and I have been sewing something, that is way there are scissors and thread in the background, hehe... 

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