Winter Holiday
My winter holiday has been quite short.. Last day of school was last wednesday and tomorrow is the last day, which will be spent shopping in Tampere!
I have mostly been outside the last couple of days. Done some cross country skiing, some snowboarding, making some sausages and corns at a lake and a little geocaching!
Have a nice Winter Holiday everyone! (:

School Over??
Yesterday I finished all my courses for my degree! It feels very good! I have now only the practical training or the internship if you want to call it that and my final thesis! I cannot believe that almost three years has gone by so fast, it feels like yesterday that I started and met all the new people that I have come to grow so close to! It has been an amazing three years with these people and I would do it all over if I got a chance to!

Valentine's Day
For Valentine's Day I bobught myself some flowers, I thought I deserved it and who else would buy them?!
The program for the evening was Fifty Shades of Grey with the girls at the cinema and afterwards we went for a drink... or four to a local pub.


My sister thought I was a good object in her art diploma project at school. These pictures explains very good the life of a miserable and bullied person in todays society.. This story ends in the worst possible scenario..
Walking on Ice

A cold sunny winter day in Vaasa has to be appreciated on the ice! The ice is probably thick enough for a car to drive on it, but still I was afraid! Especially when it was cracking a bit...

Beautiful me always making a face!

Nutella Day

Thursdays Nutella day was celebrated with Crêpes, both salty and sweet, and some fresh spring rolls. I though I was gonna roll down the stairs when I went home, that's how full I was! ^^