Last Weekends
The last weekends in April has been busy, but fun busy!
As I leave on thursday and gone the whole summer I wanted to go to our cottage. Me and 4 exchange students went last weekend and it was so much fun! The sun was up and we were laying on the terrace. We made a barbeque and made a campfire outside in the dark!

On tuesday last week the same gang (The Fabulous Five) went to replot bridge to see the beautiful sunset. It is the longest bridge in Finland for you who do not know! (:

On thursday I had to say goodbye to one of the member in the Fabulous Five gang. We went to O'malleys to have a drink and play jenga. Then moved on to Doo Bop club, only to end up in the sauna until 3 am! The work day the morning after was not that funny!..

This weekend it was UV party at a bar in Vaasa. Of course we had to buy our own paint at paint us (and others that weren't painted, hehe)
The paintings we made was very beautiful in the beginning of the evening but as we went home our faces were covered in paint! :D

Saturday I spent emptying my apartment and moving all the stuff to my parents.. Got some really good food when I got home, some moose and deer meat that dad has hunted!
In the evening we went on a small roadtrip to Old Vasa ruins. An old church that was burnt down a long time ago. It was quite spooky in the dark..
The pic is not that good when it was so dark...

Now its only packing left and then leave on thursday afternoon to Stockholm and from Stockholm to Jakarta! I'm soooooo excited!!!! :DDDDD
Sorry for been bad in updating but lately has been a bit crazy busy with all kinds of stuff!
I will leave for Indonesia 30th of april! Gonna be there on an internship for 3 months!
Therefore I am now also emptying my apartment and putting all my stuff at my parents.
Then I have work and school and other stuff I need to take care of...
I'm so excited for Indonesia! Can't wait to go!! :D I will probably photobomb every post I write there!